NF Post 12 : Starting up with Graylog

2001586155sefira/ January 6, 2019/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

To begin with, download Graylog OVA file and import it to your virtual machine. In this case, I use Oracle virtual box. This might take a while. When it’s finish, there will be a graylog in your VM. Click it and go to setting before starting it, and change the network connection to NAT so when it start, there won’t

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NF Post 11 : TCP and UDP

2001586155sefira/ January 4, 2019/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are 2 types of protocol. Both of them are used for sending packages over the internet, and both are build on top of internet protocol (IP). These protocols are not the only protocols that work on top of IP, but they are the most common protocols. Here are some description of both

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NF Post 10 :Honeypot

2001586155sefira/ January 2, 2019/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

If you ever wander how the to capture network attackers, then knowing about honeypot is a good thing. In computing, honeypot is a real or simulated system designed to attract attacks on itself. So basically, honeypot is a network system that act as a decoy to lure cyber attackers, detect, deflect or study hacking attempts. Honeypot rose in popularity back in late

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